2 min read
01 Sep

AI might seem all-knowing, but like a know-it-all friend, it has its blind spots. If you've ever wondered how to outsmart your digital helper, you're in for a treat. Here’s how you can pull one over on your AI assistant, proving that even the smartest machines can be tricked.

1. Exploit Ambiguity in Language

Language is tricky, and AI often stumbles over it like a tourist with a phrasebook. Want to confuse your assistant? Ask it something ambiguous like, “Can you teach me to wear a bat?” and watch it ponder if you mean the flying mammal or a baseball accessory.

2. Confuse It with Paradoxes

Ever asked someone, “What happens when an unstoppable force meets an immovable object?” and watched them short-circuit? AI is no different. These logical paradoxes make AI assistants scratch their metaphorical heads, revealing their limited grasp of logic puzzles.

3. Use Sarcasm or Idioms

AI assistants might be smart, but they don’t do well with sarcasm. Asking “Oh sure, and pigs fly, right?” might just make your assistant earnestly explain pig anatomy, completely missing the joke. It’s like dealing with that one friend who just doesn’t get irony.

4. Ask for Creative or Abstract Concepts

AI’s creativity is more robot than poet. If you want to stump your assistant, ask it to wax poetic about “the melancholy of a candle in the wind” or to describe “red” to someone who can’t see. The answers will likely be as awkward as a first date with a math major.

5. Command Overloads and Conflicting Instructions

Want to see AI struggle? Give it conflicting commands, like asking your smart home assistant to turn the lights on and off at the same time. It’s like watching someone trying to pat their head and rub their belly simultaneously—confusion guaranteed.

6. Play with Context Switching

AI struggles when conversations go from “What’s the weather?” to “Explain quantum physics.” Abrupt context switches are a great way to trip it up, showcasing that even AI needs time to switch gears—just like the rest of us.

7. Capitalize on Specific Knowledge Gaps

Even AI has its knowledge blind spots. Ask it about something super recent or ultra-obscure, like a niche meme or a minor celebrity scandal. The assistant might flounder, offering generic answers that expose its less-than-omniscient nature.

8. Overload with Nonsensical Inputs

If you’re in the mood for some nonsense, ask your AI something like, “If purple smells like three, what does blue feel like?” The result? Confusion. AI wasn’t built for nonsense, and it shows.

9. Use Non-Standard or Invented Words

Throw some gibberish into the mix, like “What’s the flibberdigibbet?” and watch your AI assistant try (and fail) to find meaning where there is none. It’s a great way to remind your assistant that it still has a lot to learn.

10. Challenge with Cross-Discipline Knowledge

Ever wondered how well AI can blend philosophy and nuclear physics? Ask a complex, interdisciplinary question, and you’ll likely find that it struggles to connect the dots between different fields, revealing its limitations.

Experimenting with AI’s quirks isn’t just fun—it’s a way to understand how these systems work (or don’t). While AI is getting smarter, these tricks show it’s still far from perfect, leaving plenty of room for human ingenuity and a bit of playful manipulation.